TRASH: Mon. (Tues. if holiday)

Bayshore Village Weekly Solid Waste Management and Lawn Mowing Services Schedule:

MondaysTRASH Pick-up (on Tuesday if holiday) (Place covered trash can out to curb by your driveway the night before to avoid missing pick-up)

Mondays*:  LAWN MOWING (weather permitting) (residents to move lawn ornaments, downspouts, and such out of the way) (trimming is the resident’s responsibility).  *NOTE:  Spring/Summer: Weekly. Fall/Winter: Bi-weekly

WednesdaysYARD WASTE Pick-Up (Includes: grass clippings, tree limbs/branches, palm fronds, leaves, fallen fruit, dead plants and flowers) (Recommended not to bag it!  Yard waste is shredded for mulch. If you must use a plastic bag, please make sure only allowable yard waste contents are bagged and that the contents can be easily identified by the refuse truck driver. Leave a twig or small branch sticking out). Yard waste must be placed in a container (50 lbs. or less), or securely tied into bundles not heavier than 50 lbs. and no longer than 6 feet in length.  Place out to curb by your driveway/in front of your property the night before to avoid missing pick-up.

Thursdays: RECYCLING Pick-Up (Place bin out to curb by your driveway the night before) – Allowable Items:

  • Paper (NOT: shredded, waxed, metallic, hardcover books, or soiled paper including paper towels, tissues, etc.),
  • Metal, Aluminum or steel (tin) cans (rinsed out with no food residue. No need to remove labels or crush cans.),
  • Cardboard flattened (any kind of box unless it held a liquid such as: milk, juice, wine, and broth.  Pizza boxes can be recycled if they do not have any food residue on them.),
  • Plastic Containers (Rinsed out with no food residue.  Containers with recycling triangle numbers 1-7. NO Styrofoam, NO Plastic Bags.  Lids on or off either way is fine.),
  • Glass (Rinsed out with no liquid/food residue.  ONLY Green, Brown and Clear Bottles and Jars.)

For more info. on Lee County Florida waste management programs:

  1. Trash:
  2. Yard Waste:
  3. Recycling:
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Feb 24 2025


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